SHS series Solar Power System / Solar Generator can generate enough power in a day to support the constant power draw of
several appliances operating over a 24-hour period. It can operate with any 12 or 24 volt battery bank, or can operate as
a standalone power source when the Solar generator is employed. Furthermore, the Solar Generator is completely
silent and emits no harmful fumes, which enhances its appeal as a power generator.Compared to a gasoline generator, the Solar Generator has $0.00 operating cost, requires virtually no maintenance,and has a much longer manufacturer, warranty for power
output up to 25 years depending on the system. Solar Home System are also extremely light, portable, and rugged. Setup of the
Solar Generator is "plug &play" and can usually be done by one person in about five minutes.It can be erected for short or long term operation without concern for weather or environmental impact, which makes it ideal for use every single day. It can be set up and
left to operate for a day or weeks.